Abstract Guidelines and Submission
To submit an abstract, you need to send it to the conference team at:
If you experience any issues, please contact:
The Abstract submission page has the following fields:
Title: Provide title of your presentation.
• Content: Write or paste the Abstract of your presentation (500 words maximum excluding references).
• Contribution Type: Indicate your preference for an oral, poster or online presentation. Online presentations will not be scheduled into live sessions, but will be available as digital presentations.
• Authors: Here you can give the names of authors and co-authors. You must select one of the co-authors as Speaker (that name then cannot be moved to the co-author field). You can change the order of co-authors and/or the speaker role later until the abstract submission deadline.
• Attachments: Should you wish to include an image in your abstract, please include them as .jpg or .png files, no larger than 300 KB.
• References: (optional) Give list of references mentioned in the abstract.
Preference: define if you prefer to present your work orally or as a poster
The Scientific Committee will inform you which submission is selected to be an oral or a poster.
Submission: Upload your abstract and send it to the conference team at:
Poster Presentation
• Documents and posters must be written in English.
• Posters must be printed 120 cm high and 90 cm wide, with strings.
• The presenters must stand by their poster during the assigned period to be eligible for receiving the presentation certificate.
• Abstracts need to be submitted in English.
• Only abstracts for which the presenting author is registered will be eligible for presentation at the conference.
• Each registered attendee can be presenter of a maximum of one submissions, either one oral presentation or one poster presentation. You may select multiple submissions as an oral presentation and pay for the extra paper/poster. Should more than one abstract be selected for an oral presentation, the Rien van Genuchten Conference Committee will contact you to determine which one will be presented as a poster instead.
Oral Presentation
• Oral Presentations: 15 min + 5 min questions
• Check the full Program.